The Traditional Acupuncture Centre, 19 Binswood st, Leamington Spa. Warks. CV32 5RW
Sarah Bradshaw Advanced Acupuncture
Experienced, Safe and Effective.
Tel :07989 238969
How can Acupuncture help you?
Although most people try acupuncture when they have a problem, it can also be used as a preventative measure. Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle it can improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Using a combination of traditional acupuncture techniques, I can help with an extensive range of conditions.
Listed below are the more common conditions seen in clinic. Millions of people have found acupuncture to be a better solution than drugs or surgery.
Ear, eye nose and throat disorders.
Stress anxiety, depression, insomnia.
Headache and migraine. (Click to for more info)
Period pains, PCOS, endometriosis, menopause.
Urinary and reproductive problems.
Problems related to pregnancy and giving birth.
IVF , fertility and conception.
Back pain (click for more info),chronic pain, arthritis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, neuralgia.
Sports injuries.
Chronic fatigue.
Anxiety, depression, mental health.
Long covid.
Tel 07989 238969
Email sebradshaw66@gmail.com
Traditional Acupuncture Centre
19 Binswood St,
Leamington Spa.
Warks. CV32 5RW
The Treatment Rooms
1617-1619 Warwick Rd,
Knowle. B93 9LF.