The Traditional Acupuncture Centre, 19 Binswood st, Leamington Spa. Warks. CV32 5RW
Sarah Bradshaw Advanced Acupuncture
Experienced, Safe and Effective.
Tel :07989 238969
What is Traditional Acupuncture?
Sarah Bradshaw is a traditional acupuncture practitioner based in Leamington Spa and Knowle. Traditional acupuncture has been in existence for 3000 plus years and originates from the East.
The theory of heath, wellbeing and illness in the east differs from that of the western world, which is why it is sometimes difficult to see how it can possibly heal.
It is believed that your body has channels of energy (meridians) running through it. The energy is called QI (chi), which translates roughly as 'life force'. When you become ill or just don't feel right it is thought that your flow of energy has become blocked and is unable to flow smoothly. When this happens your body finds it very difficult to heal itself.
Traditional acupuncture involves inserting very fine and virtually pain free needles in certain places around your body, known as acupuncture points. By doing this, the energy blocks are cleared and the body is able to heal itself.
This form of acupuncture is very different to western medical acupuncture or dry needling as it is sometimes referred to. These forms of acupuncture do not use acupuncture holistically i.e they are not focusing on treating the root cause of the problem.
British Acupuncture Council's Traditional acupuncturists undergo 3 years of training at degree level and at least 30 hours of continuous practitioner development per year. This is in contrast with western medical practitioners that can provide acupuncture after a weekend course. Gp's, physiotherapists osteopaths, midwives and NHS pain clinic staff generally are trained in this way.
Why come to Sarah Bradshaw for Traditional Acupuncture?
Traditional Acupuncture has been in use and researched for around 3000 years which is plenty of time to find out what works. With over 10 years experience working in private practice, continous post graduate training and a member of the British Acupuncture Council, you can be assured that you are in safe hands.
We are based in Leamington Spa and Knowle, within easy access of Warwick, Kenilworth, Coventry, Birmingham, Solihull and surrounding areas . On street parking and ground floor treatment rooms are available.
Free initial consultation (by phone, email )
Appointments £55
Give us a call or fill in the contact form today and find out how we can help you return to your optimal health and wellness NOW!
Tel: 07989 238969 Mobile
Email: sebradshaw66@gmail.com
The Traditional Acupuncture Clinic,
Binswood St, Leamington Spa.
Warks. CV32 5RW
Treatment Rooms,
1617-1619 Warwick Rd,
Knowle. B93 9LF.